Problems and solutions.

“As we go through life, we create our own problems and solutions, how effective the solutions are define the next stage of our life” – Me
Life is all about problems and solutions, problem in this context is not contextually negative but just the different stages we go through in life. From the day a child is born to adolescence to adult hood, we create problems and solutions. What differentiate the problems created at these stages is the consequences and responsibilities that comes along with them.
A child’s problem is the responsibility of the parents to create a solution. Examples of those problems are education, food, clothing etc. At these stage the parent take the responsibility of creating solutions for these problems. How effective the solutions the parents provide to the child’s problem go a long way in determining the next stage in the child’s life. For instance if the parents fail to provide a solution (sending the child to school) to the child’s problem (education), the child might grow up to be an illiterate but that doesn’t mean his not going to be successful in life but his already at disadvantage. This dynamic is a natural binding agreement between the child and the parents.
As much as the parents take responsibility of the solution for a child’s problem. The child also create his/her own problem and solution like playing with toys (assemble and re-assemble).
As we grow older and move from one stage to the other, the complexity of the problems increases and the difficulty in matching those complexity with the appropriate solutions also increases. Theirs a need to understand that we all have different personalities either adapted or natural, and it does affect how we address the problems we create.

To be continued.

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